Monday, 21 November 2016

Business as Usual

Business as Usual

Gloria Cilliers on November 21, 2016


One of my first duties as newly appointed Editor of this magazine, was to attend a meeting announcing that Rogers is selling off its B2B magazines, including this one.

As someone with 14 years’ experience in print media, this was not news. Transformation in the media space has been happening for a long time: sometimes in bits and pieces, other times in leaps and bounds.

It took me only a couple of days on the job here talking to brokers to learn that the insurance industry, just like the media, is constantly needing to transform and adapt to changes from consolidation and M&A, to technological and digital advancements that are paving a new way for how we do business.

And we, just like you, need to view these new changes as opportunities.

This is a magazine with a 110-year legacy. A legacy of serving the needs of our loyal readers and advertisers. A legacy of being a leader in bringing you topnotch info on topical issues, delivering investigative stories that look beyond the surface to provide different angles, and engaging you with thought-provoking insights. A legacy that matters to us, and to you.

That is why we embrace change that will support us as we continue to build on our partnerships with our readers and advertisers, and that will enable us to remain a market leader. In short, we’ll continue to add value, and matter to you.

And that’s why I’m proud to present you with my first issue, our big nat cat edition.

This year, we’ve seen floods dominating headlines, claiming lives and resulting in billions of dollars in losses globally. Here in Canada, most provinces have been hard-hit. But climate change, and a lack of flood mapping, risk modeling and awareness, are making it increasingly harder for insurers to keep heads above water in the face of this number one property threat, as Michael McKiernan discovers.

As far as nat cats go, Albertans have seen the worst few years in history. With Fort McMurray still fresh in our minds, we ask the loaded question: Will insurers start cherry-picking their offerings in Alberta, as has happened in California? Jennifer Hughey has the answers.

And finally, just how prepared are we for the nat cats that 2017 will bring? Terri Goveia finds out.

I’m excited to hear your feedback on this issue, and the ones to come.

I invite you to contact me with any news insights, or topics that you want to read more about. I’d love to hear from you, so that we may continue to serve you better. Because it is business as usual here at Top Broker. And the legacy continues…

Copyright 2016 Rogers Publishing Ltd. This article first appeared in the November 2016 edition of Canadian Insurance Top Broker magazine

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Business as Usual

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