Friday, 18 November 2016

Don't sugar coat the importance of life insurance with clients

Meeting the Challenge

Planning for the unexpected is a part of our job. Talking about life insurance can feel awkward or uncomfortable, particularly in front of potential beneficiaries. That said, I’ve found that those conversations can sometimes get easier when family members are present.

Involving family members in those serious conversations can help clients to see the big picture more clearly. Having their loved ones in the room should remind clients of the necessity of this type of planning.

Having life insurance conversations requires first taking a big picture look at clients’ goals. Understand clients’ needs, hopes and fears before even bringing life insurance options into the conversation. Probing them to find out what their good and bad potential life and financial outcomes look like can open a window of opportunity to have the harder conversations. Then, find out why they feel so strongly against purchasing life insurance and go from there.

In many cases, clients simply do not want to spend the money when they may end up not needing the coverage. My clients often express hesitation about the high cost of premiums. I tell them that’s fine, but try to demonstrate to them that they need the coverage and work with them to creatively problem-solve to make sure that we cover all of their bases.

Quite frankly, I take this too seriously to sugar coat things. I always try to be matter-of-fact with clients and help them to understand this is something that they need, but work with them to figure out the best solution for their unique circumstances and specific concerns. I’ve never delivered life insurance proceeds to beneficiaries where they felt their loved ones bought too much life insurance.

The good news is that some new products and riders on the market offer different options, so that clients do not necessarily just lose the money if they end up not needing it. Educate yourself so that you can be well-versed in all of the options available to a client. We all know that working in this business can sometimes require thinking outside the box to craft the plan and the coverage that fits each individual client the best. Be willing to go that extra mile for your clients, and they may change their tune about life insurance.

Do you have a question you’d like to ask our advisory board? Click here to submit a challenge.

Bridget Yeung is principal of Fort Bend Financial in Sugarland, Texas, and a registered representative offering securities and advisory services through Lincoln Financial Securities Corporation, Member SIPC.

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Don't sugar coat the importance of life insurance with clients

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