Do you know an outstanding individual working in the life or health insurance or retirement planning industry under the age of 30 years old?
If so, wants to hear from you!
In January, will feature its list of 30 outstanding individuals under the age of 30. We’re looking for millennials (or those younger than 30 years old) who have shaped the industry in especially compelling ways, whether in product development, selling strategies, market reach, technological innovation, or any number of other areas. In addition to their personal success, they should be committed to growing industry awareness and talent, and should have a compelling story to share about their professional life.
To nominate someone for this honor, please send an email to Kristen Beckman at by Dec. 16, 2016, with the following information:
- Nominee’s name
- Nominee’s age
- Nominee’s contact information
- Nominee’s position or role within the industry
- A brief description of why your nominee should be considered for’s 30 under 30 listing
- Your contact information
Call for nominations: 30 under 30
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