Sunday 18 September 2016

Insurance Company | What are the different car insurance groups ?

Do you have the right car insurance? Do you have enough coverage? While most people know whether they have liability, collision and/or comprehensive coverage, few people pay much attention to their insurance coverage until after they’ve been in an accident. Shopping for car insurance is a financial planning topic that is often overlooked, since most teenagers are added to mom and dad’s insurance policy when they first get behind the wheel, and then later shop for the least expensive policy when they have to the pay the bill on their own. In this article we’ll go over car insurance coverage and give you some tips to help you get the most for your money.

Things You Should Know About Buying Auto Insurance company

How is Your Insurance Rate Determined?

Two factors determine what you pay for auto insurance. The first factor is underwriting and the second factor is rating. Insurance companies underwrite to assess the risk associated with an applicant, group the applicant with other similar risks and decide if the company will accept the application. Based on the results of the underwriting process, the rating assigns a price based on what the insurer believes it will cost to assume the financial responsibility for the applicant’s potential claim.

Each company adopts its own rating system, although there are general guidelines that all companies follow.

The single greatest influence on the rating process is claim frequency. This does not mean how many times you specifically have made an insurance claim, although that will have an additional effect. Claim frequency measures how often an insured event occurs within a group relative to the number of policies contained in that group. Persons sharing characteristics with high claims groups will be charged more for insurance coverage.

Ask Your Agent About Discounts

Discounts are awarded because the insurance company sees you as a “better risk.” Here are some discounts you should look for: multiple vehicles, driver education courses, good student, safety devices, anti-theft devices, low mileage, good driver/renewal, auto/home package and dividends. Not all states offer all discounts, so check with your agent to see if you qualify.

For Your Protection

Once you have selected the insurance coverages you need and an insurance agent or company, there are steps you can take to make certain you get your money’s worth. Before signing an application for any insurance coverage, call you state insurance department and verify that the company and the agent are licensed to do business in your state. It is illegal for unlicensed insurers to sell insurance, and if you buy from an unlicensed insurer, you have no guarantee that the coverage you pay for will ever be honored.

Read Your Policy Carefully

You should be aware that an auto insurance policy is a legal contract. It is written so your rights and responsibilities, as well as those of the insurance company, are clearly stated. When you purchase auto insurance, you will receive a policy. You should read that policy and make certain you understand its contents. If you have questions about your insurance policy, contact your insurance agent for clarification. If you still have questions, turn to your state insurance department.



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Insurance Company | What are the different car insurance groups ?

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