Sunday 16 October 2016

Consumers are hungry for health insurance info [infographic]

While consumers desire healthcare value, they may lack the requisite information to make decisions involving healthcare economics, a FAIR Health-ORC survey shows. (Photo: Thinkstock)
While consumers desire healthcare value, they may lack the requisite information to make decisions involving healthcare economics, a FAIR Health-ORC survey shows. (Photo: Thinkstock)

The cost of healthcare may prompt some consumers to accept significant inconvenience, to new research.

A 2016 FAIR Health-ORC Survey Report of 1,006 U.S. adults, ages 18 and older, the survey provides a nuanced window into consumers’ attitudes and practices related to those areas. The research was supported by the New York State Health Foundation (NYSHealth), which is dedicated to expand health insurance coverage, increase access to high-quality healthcare services and improve public and community health. 

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The research indicates that consumers regard health-related issues as challenging and complicated. For example, while consumers clearly desire healthcare value, they may lack the requisite information to make decisions involving healthcare economics.

Asked how far they would be willing to travel to see a healthcare provider outside their local area if they could save at least 50 percent of the cost of treatment for a serious health condition, 57 percent of respondents were willing to travel 50 miles or more. That total included 39 percent who would travel 100 miles or more. Baby boomers (ages 52 to 70) were nearly as willing as millennials (ages 18 to 35) to make a trip of 50 miles or more.

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Yet, when asked how many hours a year they would spend, or have spent, researching various topics, consumers indicated that they spent more time researching a vacation (24.7 hours) than health or dental coverage (23.5 hours) or the choice of a doctor or dentist (19.5 hours).

The survey notes that may be due, in part, to a lack of understandable, accessible information on healthcare pricing comparable to the abundant commercial information available on vacations.

Contrary to the common belief that men tend to ignore symptoms and delay seeking healthcare, the survey also found that men reported spending twice as many hours per year (40.8 hours) as women (20.5 hours) researching health symptoms, diagnoses and treatments.

Asked to name their most trusted source for information on healthcare costs, respondents were divided in their answers. But, 24 percent selected healthcare nonprofits as their most trusted source, just behind the largest group (26 percent), who chose medical groups or hospital organizations.

The infographic below provides additional highlights from the Fair Health-ORC survey. (Click on infographic to enlarge.)

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Consumers are hungry for health insurance info [infographic]

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