Friday 7 October 2016

Identify ways technology can streamline business processes

Incubator Blog

Identify ways technology can streamline business processes

Meeting the Challenge

In order to view technology vendors as partners, you should take a look at your business and which aspects of it can be streamlined through the use of technology. After the opportunities for efficiencies or new ways to add value have been identified and prioritized, vendors can become partners who help implement and accelerate the integration of industry best practices they see from their other customers. 

Oftentimes, the issue that seems most challenging with technology is making multiple platforms communicate with one another and display information in a useful format after it’s been aggregated. IT vendors will usually have encountered this issue before and will have ideas for avoiding the expensive process of reinventing the wheel.

They will use this knowledge to take the edge off how daunting the challenge seems. This closes the gap more quickly and allows the advisor to immediately add value with the integration. A collaborative approach creates momentum for more and more impactful idea sharing going forward. 

Think of technology vendors as strategic allies and make a deliberate effort to nurture those relationships.

Do you have a question you’d like to ask our advisory board? Click here to submit a challenge.

Peter Hill, ChFC, is an Investment Advisor Representative with Voya Financial Advisors. He is a 20-year MDRT member with 15 COT qualifications. Since 1993, Peter has been helping clients make sound financial decisions. Peter currently serves as chair of the MDRT Technology Committee and the MDRT Finance Committee. He is also the Divisional Vice President of Finance for MDRT’s Management Council. He is active in his church as a confirmation leader and small group leader. In addition, his office hosts an annual golf tournament that raises money for a local charity.

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Identify ways technology can streamline business processes

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