Tuesday 1 November 2016

4 ways to improve your digital presence


Your digital presence matters. (Photo: iStock)
Your digital presence matters. (Photo: iStock)

With so much focus on in-person appointments, financial advisors and insurance agents often treat their digital lives as an afterthought.

This may makes sense to a degree. But even with “robo-advisors” and mouse-click policy shopping, nothing is going to replace the service an advisor can provide in person.

However, your digital presence matters, even if it simply acts as a funnel that queues up leads for in-person appointments.

Since consumers will research you online, your digital presence now serves as a first impression. How you run your website will also factor into your ranking on search engines and online directories.

With that in mind, here are 4 ways to juice up your digital presence.

See also: 5 things every agent’s website should have

4. Update your branding

When was the last time you updated your website’s branding? Is your logo outdated? Are photos low quality or low-resolution? Does your website function the way a modern site should?

If your website looks and “feels” outdated, consumers are less likely to have confidence in your services. A simple, and often inexpensive, way to improve your digital presence is to invest in re-branding and digital infrastructure. This will give your consumers a modern and responsive digital experience.

See also: Why the insurance industry needs digital marketing

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If your website looks and “feels” outdated, consumers are less likely to have confidence in your services.

If your website looks and “feels” outdated, consumers are less likely to have confidence in your services. (Photo: iStock)

3. Optimize for desktop AND mobile

According to a Local Search Association Study, 60 percent of American adults now use tablets or smartphones over PCs to get information about services and products. With more and more consumers using phones and tablets for their searches, having a mobile-friendly site will go a long way to increasing your visibility.

See also: Mobile-friendly websites: More than just looks

2. Be consistent with content marketing

Publishing posts at regular intervals is going to be much more effective than irregular intervals, even if the time span between posts is, say, two weeks. So take a look your schedule. See where you can appropriate a few hours for content generation, then stick to it. Draw on your resources and support staff. If you have sub-agents, use their knowledge base and experience to generate posts, or even delegate content activities to them.

See also: The secret to hitting a home run with digital marketing

1. Automate drip marketing

To a large degree, good visual branding, optimization, and content creation can be seen as passive marketing activities. You are trying to draw consumers to your website, learn about your services, and possibly submit information through contact forms. Many advisors use contact form submittals to generate leads and capture promising consumers to follow up with. However, you can make this process more efficient — and still retain a personal touch — through automated drip marketing platforms that piecemeal information about you and your services over a period of time.


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4 ways to improve your digital presence

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