Sunday 6 November 2016

47 Auto Insurance Savings Tips -- Guaranteed Steps To Dirt Cheap Car Insurance Rates Pt 4 Get 47 auto insurance savings tips that are guaranteed to get you dirt cheap car insurance rates.

31. You may be paying a lot more than you need to as a result of some really unneeded add-ons like towing. By the way, your credit card might currently offer this as a benefit therefore ask around.

Even if yours doesn’t add this type of service, a dedicated towing service from a third party will serve you better and help save you significantly more than adding towing to your car insurance.

32. Don’t make the blunder of parking your vehicle in areas where it’ll not be secure. Is there a threat of unintentional damage, vandalism and break-ins where you park your vehicle? Then look for a well-protected spot as doing the contrary might lead to a claim that will eventually increase your premium. I trust you also realize that you will spend less if you have a garage for the car or truck.

And, an important note, if you drive out in the night do your very best to have your car parked in a well-lit spot. This should make it more difficult for thieves.

33. Stay claims-free for over 36 months & most insurance carriers will give you a special concession. Don’t forget, this doesn’t mean you might not have any cause to make claims but that you did not file any. Taking care of little issues on your own can help you save more as you will soon be eligible for a big rebate.

34. Women get better premiums than guys because data show they are better drivers. Married couples may benefit from this by having their vehicles insured in the lady’s name with the guy as the secondary driver. Although this could not go down well with some male folks, it will reduce what your family spends on auto insurance.

35. Running your business on the internet will be a lot more cost-effective than the usual brick and mortar approach. Compared to buying offline from a brick and mortar agency, you’ll save as much as fifteen percent should you get your automobile insurance policy via the internet.

If you will save fifteen percent for purchasing on the web then it is truly recommended.

But do ensure you don’t enter false details. Falsehood will hurt you a whole lot in the future.

In addition, verify with your state’s department of insurance that you are buying from a reputable business that is licensed to offer this policy.

36. Don’t include rental vehicle cover in your automobile insurance plan without checking if your credit card issuer gives such extra value. A good number of credit cards offer you a guaranteed rental vehicle insurance coverage if you use them to rent a vehicle. So it is a great step to verify first before you purchase a needless coverage.

37. Bring down your Bodily injury liability component to the barest minimum demanded by state law and get an umbrella policy instead. The more substantial your assets, the more this recommendation is applicable for you personally.

What would you buy bodily injury liability coverage for? It is always to look after passengers involved in an accident along with the other motorist. If you do not have coverage like this, your assets could be utilized to pay people who suffer injury in accidents caused by you.

The rationale behind this recommendation is that irrespective of how considerable the liability protection you purchase with your car insurance you could easily encounter big problems if you are responsible in a collision that injures people badly.

This means that your very belongings will be at risk if your liability protection cannot handle the medical expenses and consequential damages sustained. Be that as it may, there is hardly a suit or liability issue that an umbrella policy can’t cater for fully.

Apart from the fact that an umbrella policy will save you on car insurance, it protects you from all kinds of liability issues whether it is in the home or any other place.

Price-wise, you get considerably more protection per dollar with an umbrella policy…

If a 35-year old male driver who lives in New York City wants to raise his bodily injury liability component to $100K/$300K from $25K/$50K, his premium will rise by $300!

Now how does this compare to the fact that he’d buy an umbrella policy with protection worth $1 million for less than that? Furthermore, he could easily make it $2 million by just spending no more than $75 more.

Beyond the two million dollar mark, he will only need to add $50 to his rate per $1 million extra coverage amount. Do the maths in your own situation and see if it doesn’t pay you a lot more!



47 Auto Insurance Savings Tips -- Guaranteed Steps To Dirt Cheap Car Insurance Rates Pt 4

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