Wednesday 2 November 2016

Build upon established trust with high-impact reminders

Meeting the Challenge

With friends and neighbors, you typically have already tackled the largest marketing obstacle: establishing trust. This makes materials that are small, concise and easy to pass along ideal. Three of the most useful items I have personally used: 

1. An annual calendar of events magnet for upcoming workshops and social events. This is great to hand out at annual reviews or for a holiday mailer leading up to 2017 to establish an open invitation to your events and top-of-mind placement.

2. A mini-brochure that folds to the size of a business card. This will share your most essential service offerings, benefits and call to action and is the perfect size for networking and social gatherings to communicate more value than a business card, while still being low pressure and conversational.

3. A high-impact follow-up piece. As an advisor, I used a multipage brochure with a separate bio card and appointment offer for a more thorough introduction. This provides an impressive package to: 

  • drive a new contact to an appointment as a follow-up to a social introduction or 

  • serve as a referral kit by giving a few packages to your centers of influence and top referral sources to pass along to qualified prospects

Also, by keeping the bio information separate, this format allows for multiple advisors on a team to personalize the deliverable with their information, without costly updates to a brochure as staff changes over time.

Do you have a question you’d like to ask our advisory board? Click here to submit a challenge.

Courtney Browning, director of marketing for AdvisorPR, is an experienced financial marketing professional having established integrated marketing communication plans and provided consulting on coordinated marketing and branding initiatives for hundreds of financial advisors over the past decade, as well as firsthand experience as an insurance and securities licensed advisor. Established in 2005, AdvisorPR is a branding, marketing and public relations firm dedicated to providing custom and turnkey marketing communications solutions exclusively to financial professionals and the corporate companies that serve them. For more information, visit

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Build upon established trust with high-impact reminders

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