Tuesday 1 November 2016

November a dangerous month for pedestrians


November a dangerous month for pedestrians

More than 50 per cent of Canadians don’t think it’s more dangerous to cross the road when clocks ‘fall back.’

Staff on November 1, 2016


November is known as a very dangerous month for pedestrian injuries and fatalities. It becomes riskier for pedestrians to travel between 4:30 and 7 p.m. as drivers adjust to lower light visibility. And according to the latest national survey from State Farm Canada, it appears pedestrians may not be making it any easier on themselves.

More than 50 per cent of Canadians don’t think it’s more dangerous to cross the road when clocks ‘fall back’ or ‘spring forward’. During the hours and days following the change to standard time (Nov. 6), the risk of being struck or killed by a car increases as a result of conditions like poor visibility and sleep deprivation.

“Pedestrian injuries and deaths are preventable and both drivers and pedestrians have a role to play in ensuring safety,” says John Bordignon, Media Relations, State Farm Canada. “Research and experience tells us that roads are more dangerous in the days after the clocks change. Having drivers and pedestrians being patient, focused and obeying the rules of the road are essential in making sure that you and others around you get to your destinations safely.”

Distracted walking

As more of us consume content and communicate via our smartphones it may not be surprising to note that 40% of survey respondents admit to texting while walking. When you couple that with 45% using headphones to listen to music and 70% admitting to jaywalking the risks to both pedestrians and motorists increase exponentially.

According to research published by the Globe and Mail, a pedestrian is hit in Toronto every 4 hours and someone dies every 10 days. A total of 163 pedestrians been killed in Toronto since 2011, that’s a 15 per cent increase compared with the previous five years (2007-2011).

In the U.S. the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, says nearly 5,000 pedestrians were killed and an estimated 76,000 injured in traffic collisions in 2012. That’s one death every 2 hours and an injury every 7 minutes.

The online survey, conducted in March, 2016, polled 3,000 respondents of driving age across Canada.

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November a dangerous month for pedestrians

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