Saturday 28 May 2016

5 simple ways to use email to build relationships and grow sales

Email is the most prevalent way that companies communicate with their customers today, yet nearly half of email marketers send everyone on their list the same email – a surefire tactic that won’t get your emails read. Instead, advisors need to take a different approach to email in order to actually get through to their clients and see the impact on their business.

For starters, using email effectively requires a personalization strategy. At a time where likability and trustworthiness are critical to building long-term client relationships, email can be one of the most personal methods to keep in touch with clients. In fact, when done right, it can be 40 times more effective than Facebook or Twitter for customer engagement.

As an advisor with an established connection with your clients, you already have a leg up in ensuring your emails are read; however, just because your clients may not instantly delete your messages doesn’t mean it’s going to strengthen the relationship. There’s still much work to be done in leveraging the marketing power of email.

Here are five ways advisors can use email to deepen relationships and truly engage with clients:

1. Make it personal

Your first goal is to send the kind of email that you would want to read. Would you read an email that sounds like it was written for a random group of many? Neither would your clients, even if it looks like it was coming from you. That’s because your clients are just as inundated with email clutter as you are, and they are constantly looking for ways to sift through the ‘noise’ in their inboxes.

Instead, send emails that are truly personal, ones that your clients would expect to receive from their trusted advisor. Here’s an example of a relevant, personalized email:

“Hi Allison, I saw on Facebook that Alex turned 1 month old today – it’s amazing how quickly they grow up! I want to make sure you have the right insurance plan in place for your family and I’ll call you this week to discuss. In the meantime, here’s a great article with five steps to protect your family financially.

Personal touches like these today create opportunities for meaningful client conversations tomorrow.

2. Be proactive

One of the most frustrating things for an advisor is to miss out on an opportunity to engage with clients when it is most relevant – such as hearing about a new job (or job loss) – and missing the opportunity to plan for these financial uncertainties.

One way to deepen relationships with your clients is to look for opportunities (such as on Facebook, LinkedIn or at events) to proactively engage with your clients. Doing so builds trust between you and your clients, and gives you relevant reasons to stay in touch.

3. Focus on the relationship

As an advisor, your client relationships should always be top-of-mind. Go beyond just sending clients your company’s latest content. Offer something of value to them as an individual – something that speaks to their particular interests, needs, and biggest concerns.

Email is at its core an owned communications channel, meaning you have full control over format, frequency and delivery, so use that wisely. Reach out person-to-person first, then offer your unique expertise and counsel based on what you know about them individually.

4. Provide relevant information

As their trusted advisor, clients look to you to help them navigate some of life’s biggest changes. Email can be an effective way to provide valuable, relevant information to your clients when they need it most.

Tap into your company’s bank of content assets, and tie those to the proactive, personalized opportunities to get in front of your clients. For example, when you know they are welcoming a new baby, offer a check-list of financial to-dos along with a personal congratulatory note.

5. Leverage technology to save time

As a busy advisor, you can only do so much before forfeiting sleep. With so many clients, each with unique needs, you need to tap into technologies to enhance your productivity. The trick is using email technologies that help you offer more personalized advice to your clients, as opposed to technologies that merely automate everything. Leverage email technologies that draw from a bank of compliant, categorized content assets that tie insights you have on each client, and that allow you to add that personal touch each time you communicate.

By using email to stay top of mind with clients, you can reap tremendous returns that go well beyond quarterly corporate newsletters and annual check-ins. Simply increasing the number of personalized, meaningful touch points with your clients not only offers them the tools and information to establish and maintain their financial well-being, but also reinforces their desire to do business with you. 

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5 simple ways to use email to build relationships and grow sales

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