Friday 27 May 2016

Allstate rolls out policy for Airbnb hosts

Allstate rolls out policy for Airbnb hosts

Insurance for home sharing hosts can be hard to find

The Chicago Tribune on May 27, 2016


Airbnb is encouraging everyday people to earn a second income by renting out their spaces. But the scariest part of that is fear of damages. Now Allstate will try selling insurance to these hosts in the U.S. in six states.

Historically, insurance for hosts has been hard to find, especially in Canada. Regular home insurance doesn’t usually take short-term rentals into account. Even a policy developed by Airbnb itself is only offered in the U.S.

Read: B.C. insurer offers home insurance for Airbnb hosts

The Chicago Tribute reported on the new Allstate service, called HostAdvantage, saying that it can be added to an existing policy. The story comes with advice to hosts too: look for policies that also cover belongings inside the property, not just the property itself.

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Allstate rolls out policy for Airbnb hosts

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