Wednesday 14 September 2016

Insurance industry struggles with increasing costs of natural disasters

Insurance industry struggles with increasing costs of natural disasters

This year the worst in decades for Canada’s general insurance sector.

Ian Bickis, The Canadian Press on September 14, 2016


Craig Stewart, vice-president of federal affairs at the Insurance Bureau of Canada, says the industry sees severe weather as a top priority nationally.

“There are clear trends towards a warming atmosphere that have resulted in more significant losses from flooding… and as we’ve seen recently, wildfire,” he said.

The industry is still tallying up the cost of Alberta’s Fort McMurray wildfire, but with claims estimated at $3.6 billion, the costliest natural disaster in Canadian history is already hitting insurers.

Joel Baker, president of MSA Research Inc., says this year will likely go down as the worst in decades for Canada’s general insurance sector, which excludes life insurance.

He said that in the first six months of 2016 Canadian insurers reported a $1.08-billion underwriting loss, compared with a $1.05-billion gain for the first six months of 2015.

Much of those losses will in turn be covered by reinsurance companies, which provide insurance for the insurance industry itself. But with a clear trend of increased natural catastrophes, insurance companies are looking for ways to better manage the risk.

Ulrich Kadow, head of Canadian operations at insurer Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, says the industry is working to improve modelling and catastrophe exposure management to deal with the increased risk and volatility.

“The significance of these fires as a result of climate change is huge,” said Kadow.

“We need to make sure that we are on top of all these trends that evolve and develop.”

He said the industry is responding by looking at adjusting pricing, but hypercompetition in the industry means companies have been limited in how much they can increase rates.

Kadow says the insurance industry is also being squeezed by low returns on investment, a key pillar in the industry’s financial health.

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Insurance industry struggles with increasing costs of natural disasters

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