Thursday 8 September 2016

SGI’s safe driver program changes in effect this October

SGI’s safe driver program changes in effect this October

New tweaks aim to further curb risky driving practices.

Staff on September 8, 2016


Changes to SGI’s Safe Driver Recognition program will take effect on Oct. 12, 2016.

The program, implemented in 2002 to reward safe drivers and encourage risky drivers to change their behaviour, was amended following an extensive review that began in 2012. Recommendations for both bigger discounts and tougher penalties were approved by government late last year.

Another significant change to the program is harsher penalties for speeding convictions. In 2014, 30 people were killed and 872 injured in 1,954 speed-related collisions in Saskatchewan. “Speeding increases your risk of being in a collision,” said Andrew Cartmell, President and CEO of SGI. Tougher consequences under the SDR program should help speeders get the message to slow down.”

Drivers will now lose points for all speeding convictions (except photo speed enforcement convictions) and in some cases the number of points a driver loses for a speeding infraction is increasing.

Other changes include:

  • The safety rating scale will grow by one point a year for the next five years, from +20 to +25. As the scale grows, drivers with the safest records will earn higher discounts on their vehicle insurance, reaching 25% when the scale reaches its maximum in 2020 (from the current 20%)

  • Financial penalties will double from $25 to $50 per point in the penalty zone

  • Drivers responsible for collisions will lose points based on the seriousness of the collision – 4 points for claim payouts under $700 and 6 points for claim payouts of $700 or more

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SGI’s safe driver program changes in effect this October

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