Saturday 3 September 2016

Why indexed universal life works best in third party funding - Let's Get Down to Business

Maximizing the cash value accumulation in a indexed universal life insurance policy requires running a few tests. The first test determines which death benefit option to use under the TAMRA guidelines and CAVT regulations. The design goal is format the policy to generate the lowest cost of insurance under current company practice.

The second test is to run a reasonable rate of return for the policy, pay the annual interest and some small portion of principal out of pocket. This predictable payment schedule creates a degree of stability. Roberts patent pending design is the next evolutionary step in life insurance as a tax advantaged income product.

Syndicated financial columnist and talk show host Steve Savant interviews premium funding strategist and life insurance consultant Robert Strauss, J.D. Robert is the founder and CEO of the Disciplined Advisor Network. This is episode 2 of 5 in the series, Self Funding Income Strategies with Indexed Universal Life.



Why indexed universal life works best in third party funding - Let's Get Down to Business

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