Tuesday 17 May 2016

Of wisdom and ethics: Are you a "solutionary"?


Are you a “solutionary”?  What is the role of wisdom in ethics, and where does wisdom begin? An old friend of The ShiftShapers Podcast Series has a new novel that helps explain it all.

This week, we welcome Tony Boquet back to the podcast. As part of his “day” job, Tony is vice president and adjunct professor at The American College. Last time we chatted, he told us about changes at the college, but this podcast centers around his new book, The Bloodline of Wisdom: The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary. 

Boquet’s book is a compelling and engaging novel that instructs about a serious subject – wisdom and wise decision making. Tony helps us to understand that the avalanche of information available does not necessarily provide wisdom. We explore why wisdom is the foundation of our ethical constructs and how it informs the way we act in both our professional and personal lives.

Those who understand these concepts become “solutionaries,” a word Boquet created and which he explains in more detail in the podcast. He also gives some examples of how solutionaries and non-solutionaries make decisions and conduct themselves.

We wrap up the conversation with the direct lessons that benefits advisors can walk away with after reading Boquet’s new book.

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SPONSOR: Captivated Health (www.captivatedhealth.com)

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Of wisdom and ethics: Are you a "solutionary"?

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