Saturday 30 July 2016

Where the sandwich generation lives [Infographic]

Multigeneration households are more prevalent in California than in the Midwest. (Illustration: Trulia)
Multigeneration households are more prevalent in California than in the Midwest. (Illustration: Trulia)

Multigeneration households are on the rise due to economic factors and ethnic traditions.

San Francisco-based online real estate company Trulia studied the trends surrounding households with three or more generations — the sandwich generation — sharing a home in the largest 100 markets in the United States.

Many markets with the largest percentage of three-generation households are located in California, although Long Island, New York; El Paso, Texas; Honolulu; and Miami also have a substantial concentration of multigeneration households. Conversely, in the Midwest market of Madison, Wisconsin, only 2 percent of households have three or more generations living under one roof.

See the infographic below for more details about the distribution of multigeneration households in the United States:

Sandwich Generation

See also:

Who is the Sandwich Generation? [infographic]

How to help the Sandwich Generation find a financial balance [infographic]

The unique struggle of the sandwich generation

Source link

Where the sandwich generation lives [Infographic]

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