Friday 15 July 2016

5 proven ways to reach stuck customers

One in four people surveyed in the 2016 Insurance Barometer Study say they feel they need more life insurance protection.
One in four people surveyed in the 2016 Insurance Barometer Study say they feel they need more life insurance protection.

In the 2016 Insurance Barometer Study, 1 in 4 people say they feel they need more life insurance protection. Related LIMRA research has found that many people become “stuck” by the process of shopping and purchasing life insurance. 

LIMRA has released “5 Proven Ways to Reach Stuck Consumers” to support Life Insurance Awareness Month efforts in September. The infographic below provides useful tactics for advisors and companies to help consumers get “un-stuck” based on findings from LIMRA research. 

 (Click on infographic to enlarge.)

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5 proven ways to reach stuck customers

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