Thursday 14 July 2016

Insurance tips for your Pokemon Go-obsessed clients

Insurance tips for your Pokemon Go-obsessed clients

Staff on July 14, 2016

Cell phone

Pokemon Go has yet to officially launch in Canada, but enthusiasts have circumvented region locks to play the game and potentially put themselves at risk for finding dead bodies, getting mugged, having eggs thrown at them or simply hurting themselves because they weren’t paying attention.

If any of your clients are in that boat, the Insurance Information Institute has some tips you can pass along.

First of all, gamers should ensure their homeowners or renters insurance that will respond if they are robbed while out of their house or if they accidentally damage someone else’s property during their quest to capture a “Bellossome.” These policies might also cover clients in the event that Nintendo’s data is stolen, although standalone insurance may be needed.

Car insurance could help cover damage from drivers distracted by Pokeballs.

“We think it’s great that people are getting outside and enjoying Pokemon Go,” said Loretta Worters, vice president of the Information Insurance Institute. “But it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and be sure you’re adequately protected against risk.”

Read: IBC launches annual “Leave the Phone Alone” campaign

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Insurance tips for your Pokemon Go-obsessed clients

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